Prosthetic & Orthotic Educational Programs
Contact Information:
GBC - Prosthetic & Orthotic Programs
Sunnybrook Health Science Cetnre, c/o SCIL,
2075 Bayview Ave.
Toronto, ON, CANADA - M4N 3M5
416 480-5783 (ph)   416 480-5975 (fax)
email -

Full Time:

Gord Ruder, B.Sc., M.Sc., C.O.(c), F.C.B.C. - Coordinator
Amy Richardson, B.Sc., M.Sc., C.P.(c)

Part Time:

Dan Blocka, B.Sc., C.O. (c), F.C.B.C.
Michael Lue-Kim, B.Sc., R.T.P.O.(c)
Anna Gibbs, R.T.P.(c)
Adrienne Cuch, C.O.(c), B.Sc.
Dave Ritchie, C. Ped. Tech. (c)
Jessie Soriano, R.T.P.(c)
Kevin Fraser, C.Ped(C), C.Ped. Tech(C), BA
Kevin Martyn, Prosthetic Technician
Kyla Lau, B.Sc., R.T.P.(c)

Administrative Assistant:

Meredith Hepburn

Clinical Program Faculty

Head Clinical Instructors:

R. J. Clements, B.Sc., C.P.(c) - Prosthetic Energy
Laurie Vanderhaeghe, B.Sc., C.O. (c) - Chedoke Rehabilitation Centre
Sharon Carr, B.Sc., C.O.(c) - Chedoke Rehabilitation Centre
Sandra Ramdial, C.P.(c) - Holland Bloorview Kids Rehab
Gary Sjonneson, B.Sc., C.P.(c) - Otto Bock Canada

Part-time Instructors and Other Lecturers:

            Chedoke Rehabilitation Centre: 
            Brad Haardeng, C.O.(c) 
            Alex Moote, R.T.O.
            Mike Hall,C.O.(c)
            Pat Reilly, B.Sc., C.P.O.(c)
            Naomi Matsui, C.O.(c)
            Christa Orschel, M.Sc., B.Sc., C.O.(c)


Freedom Prosthetics
Brad VanLenthe, B.Sc., C.P.(c)

Holland Bloorview Kids Rehab.
Kristen Matthews, C.P.(c)

Boundless Biomechanical Bracing
Adrienne Cuch, M.Sc., C.O.(c)

The Hospital for Sick Chidren
Samantha Lam-Bellissimo, M.Sc., C.O.(c)

OrthoProActive Consultants
Krista Holdsworth, B.Sc., C.O.(c)